3Dealo FlexMaker Bulldozer HD


Build Volume 300 x 200 x 300 mm (12 x 8 x 12 in.)
Layer Resolution Low 320 micron (0.012 in.)
Layer Resolution High 50 micron (0.002 in.)
Nozzle Diameter 0.4 mm
Filament Diameter 1.75 mm
Maschinentyp 3D Printer
Technologie Schmelzschichtung (FDM)
Materialien PLA, Elastisches Plastik (FLEX), Holz-PLA
Durchschnittlicher Preis 1.299,00 $

Über FlexMaker Bulldozer HD

Take advantage of all the features the Big Brothers has gathered in a smaller – but not less tougher – package.


  • 20 x 30 cm bed with 30 cm height
  • Rectangular Format (ideal for architects and designers)
  • Wires and eletronics well organized
  • Sensor for Auto Bed Leveling

Sturdy and Smart build

Making use of the V-Slot aluminum profiles and V-wheels for linear motion we assure that all axis runs smoothly and precisely.


  • V-Slot Black Aluminum Structure
  • V-Wheels on All Axis
  • Smart Designed plastic parts
  • Acme Stainless Steel Leadscrews