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Über Simon's Magic Shoppe

Our SLA printer produces plastic parts with a high resolution, fine details, and a smooth surface finish. It works great for models, custom parts, miniatures for tabletop gaming, and more! All our prints have been thoroughly cleaned, lightly prepped (all supports removed and artifacts sanded or clipped), and hardened. We also offer priming and painting services. The SLA print bed size is 7.56″ x 4.72″ x 9.65″ or 192mm x 120mm x 245mm.

We have a FDM printer for larger items, like signs, stands, and utility items. While it lacks the ability to produce the tiny details of the SLA printer, it has a much larger print bed: 11.81″ x 11.81″ x 15.74″ or 310mm x 310mm x 400mm.

Shipping options

Elk Grove, CA, US
Business type Service Business
Eigentum Partnership
Incoterms CPT – Carriage Paid To (named place of destination)
Mitarbeiter insgesamt <10
Gründungsjahr 2020
Jahresumsatz ($) 12000


Simon's Magic Shoppe is a manufacturing company based in Elk Grove, California. The supplier specializes in miniatures and offers printing via the SLA machine. Our test print was completed in a timely manner to good quality: the surface of the part is neat and shiny, all the tricky details came out solid. The dimensions of the model are preserved.
Gedruckt auf: Mars 2 Pro
Material: Harz
Review image #2507372Review image #2507373Review image #2507371
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Registration 4 years
Avg. response time more 48h

Last produced on Treatstock

21. Januar 2021

Work Examples / Production Process

CrystalSkull_Black_F.JPGLgChimera_Black_F2.JPGManticores.JPGMermaidFront.jpgOgreBust_Outside.JPGPainted_Dice.JPGRallyTheTroops.JPGTinyWerewolf_Quarter.JPGUke.JPGWindMage_Black_F.JPGXLWerewolf_F2 (1).JPGDragonBornVsSpider.JPGGreekTemple.JPGHorse.JPG