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Über Luke's Laboratory

Passionate about printing - Looking to get quality prints out at a reasonable price. Willing to experiment with difficult challenges.

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Wrightstown, Wisconsin, US
Business type Manufacturing Business
Eigentum Sole proprietorship
Mitarbeiter insgesamt <10
Gründungsjahr 2019


Luke's Laboratory is a 3D printing company located in Platteville, Wisconsin. They offer PLA, Nylon, TPU, and PETG materials in multiple colors. Our test order was completed within a couple of hours. It turned out smooth, clean and precise. All the tricky details look solid and accurate. Very fast turnaround time, great communication and service!
Gedruckt auf: Ender 3 Pro
Material: PLA
Review image #806224Review image #806226Review image #806223Review image #806222Review image #806227Review image #806225
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Treatstock Achievement

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Registration 5 years
Avg. response time less 2h

Last produced on Treatstock

29. Juni 2019