5/5(1 Vérifier)


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20 mars 2020
Ember Technology Design is a multi-tasking 3D service located in St Asaph, Wales. The vendor offers to print with a variety of filaments such as TPU, Breakaway, CPE, CPE+, Nylon, PC, PLA, PP, PVA etc. Our test model was completed in blue PLA within a short time. We were pleased with the results: the part turned out neat and accurate, with no defects spotted. The manufacturer managed to hold the tiny "antennas" on top of the piece as well.
Imprimé le: S5
Matériau: PLA
Évaluer l'image #1522049Évaluer l'image #1522040Évaluer l'image #1522044Évaluer l'image #1522048Évaluer l'image #1522045

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