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Über Custom Crosse LLC

Providing High Quality Resin and FDM prints in small and medium scales. Standard Resin, Clear Resin, PLA, PLA+, Nylon
small wood based material Laser etching
Equip: Anycubic Mega S Pro, Anycubic Photon 4k Mono 2

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BURIEN, Washington, US
Business type Manufacturing Business
Eigentum Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Mitarbeiter insgesamt <10
Gründungsjahr 2024


Zeige 1-1 von 1 Eintrag.
FileZertifizierungCertifierApplicationIssue DateExpire Date
Architect, AIAWA DOL08.06.202308.06.2025


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Registration <1 year
Avg. response time more 48h