stone fence system - 28mm gaming von Jerry_3d

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3D model of deweycat
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

This is a simple stone fence system for 28mm table top gaming. I started with the...Zeig mehr attributed file, cut off the tops of the fence, crafted new stones for the top, and made various sections - short and long, and both 90 and 45 degree corners. As well i made a gate section; there is no need to glue in the gate section; it fits into slots in the fence to enable you to remove it.
I printed at "coarse" - 0.3mm settings.
I purposely made the lengths slightly random, e.g. NOT 6" in length, as to limit the use of the fence sections as gaming aids.
I changed the file slightly after completing the test prints pictures; rounding the edges of the top slightly to show a smoother edge. the pieces butt tightly together and look good on the game table.

Doesn't Matter

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