Frederick Douglass Medallion von Eddie_S

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The models were repaired and checked for printability.

“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is ge...Zeig mehrtting recognized more and more, I notice,” the president said.

This medallion is a celebration of Frederick Douglass.

The purpose of this model was to develop a method for students to quickly make coins and medallions for a mystery artifact history project. Student have struggled to make convincing replica coin/medallion designs in Tinkercad. Importing svg files as extrusions takes away some of the visual impact of a true bas relief. To achieve the effect in the medallion. I found a bust of Frederick Douglass and then imported it into Meshmixer. I plane cut away the base and then plane cut the model in half. I transformed the model in one axis and flatten the model. I exported the model as an STL then imported it into Tinkercad. I added a coin base and a date using Tinkercad tools. Exported the STL and then brought it into Sketchfab to create the render.

“Frederick Douglass has done an amazing job …

- Enduring the inhumanity of slavery after being born heir to anguish and exploitation but still managing to become a force for solace and liberty when America needed it most,

- Recognizing that knowledge was his pathway to freedom at such a tender age,

- Teaching himself to read and write and becoming one of the country’s most eloquent spokespersons,

- Standing up to his overseer to say that ‘I am a man!’

- Risking life and limb by escaping the abhorrent institution,

- Composing the Narrative of his life and helping to expose slavery for the crime against humankind that it is,

- Persuading the American public and Abraham Lincoln that we are all equal and deserving of the right to live free,

- Establishing the North Star newspaper when there was very little in the way of navigation or hope for the millions of enslaved persons,

- Supporting the rights of women when few men of such importance endeavored to do so,

- Arguing against unfair U.S. immigration restrictions,

- Understanding that racism in America is part of our “diseased imagination,”

- Recruiting his sons—who were born free—to fight in the war to end the enslavement of other African Americans,

- Being appointed the first black U.S. Marshal by President Rutherford B. Hayes,

- Being appointed U.S. Minister to Haiti by President Benjamin Harrison,

- Serving as a compelling role model for all Americans for nearly two centuries.”

Historical Bust - Frederick Douglass by Autodesk Premium
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