Hidden Figures - Friendship 7 von Eddie_S

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3D model of designmaketeach
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Portraits of NASA mathematicians Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and Katherine...Zeig mehr Johnson in bas relief on the Friendship 7 capsule. The story of these African-American women’s pivotal role in the first orbit of the Earth by an American is told in the book and movie Hidden Figures.

The model is easily recognizable as a space capsule but only when it is lit from inside do these ‘hidden figures’ fully reveal themselves. This model symbolizes the invisible but vital contribution African-American women made to the early space program.
There are three version of this model.
v1 One piece model of Friendship 7 with portraits in bas relief on exterior.
v2 Two piece model of Friendship 7 with portraits in bas relief on exterior.
v3 Two piece model of Friendship 7 with portraits engraved from interior.

The appearance of the portraits with backlight (lithophane) depends on a variety of factors including scale factor, slicing settings, filament opacity and light source. Experimentation and test prints are required. These models are suitable for remixing for a variety of projects. Example photos are from the v2 model scaled at 60% for use as a nightlight.
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