Fallout RPG - Settlement Farm Tiles von Caroline3D

Modell von
Größe: 2 x 2 x 0.5 zoll x 1
Größe: 2.28 x 2.23 x 1.01 zoll x 1
3D model of gametree3d
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

There are some missing sources (please let me know who you are) that didn't come...Zeig mehr up when I initially searched to accredit them - this is a mash up remix. They haven't been scaled for any particular use so be aware before you throw them on your print bed.

Should be enough here to make;


Barrel cactus fruit




Anything Leafy and colorful

There is also a custom water pump.

** Coming soon

Brain Fungus
Glowing Mushrooms
Trades Kiosks
Über den Autor des Modells
16 models uploaded
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