TheNewHobbyist Playset von Ray_3dstl

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3D model of thenewhobbyist
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Between the uploads from PrettySmallThings and the recent influx of...Zeig mehr “playsets” on Thingiverse I've been slightly obsessed with miniatures lately. Because of this I thought I'd model and upload something I’m rather familiar with, my workshop!

The lamp and ABS spool models need a little "post processing" everything else is ready to play with as soon as it's printed.

So now in additional to the astronaut and medieval themed playsets kids can play Maker!

Included are all the STL and SKP files (zipped) for further editing.

1. Print all included STL files (see reference photo for suggested colors)
2. Super glue or ABS glue the lamp and ABS spools together
3. Play Maker!
Über den Autor des Modells
106 models uploaded
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