Qilin Flat Bottom HD Remix von Chris_design

Modell von
Größe: 3.43 x 1.79 x 3.49 zoll x 1
3D model of mustangdave
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

I did not make this 3d model. I just made the bottom completely flat and increased...Zeig mehr the resolution a little bit. The bottom of the original model was not flat. The file size went from 6MB to 36MB. The original author of this model is StrongHero3D.

The qilin (Chinese: 麒麟; pinyin: qílín) is a mythical hooved chimerical creature known in Chinese and other East Asian cultures, said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler. It is a good omen thought to occasion prosperity or serenity.
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