Infinite Castle Design von Lindsey_3d

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3D model of gamescape3d
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

I've only posted models for part of the tower .

This is a 3d print/ laser cut...Zeig mehr mash up. It is a 28mm fort/castle. It is totally component based allowing you to make a structure of any scale and dimension in regards to exterior contour. The fort pictured is only a proof-of-concept build and is not ment to amaze anyone. The total potential of this design is huge compared to what I am showing here.
This release is open source, it took a while because of all the parts but it really went fairly quick for me when you consider all the parts made, taking about a month of my sparse free time from start till end.

Doesn't Matter




Any single extruder printer will do, very few parts even require supports

You can use any texture you want for laser cutting.Floors and catwalk are laser cut in one pass using 1/8th inch baltic birch ply . BMP images are raster engraved twice. Once with a half tone dither and once with no dither and a b/w threshold of 90 or so. Walls are laser engraved XLPE foam. It is laser engraved with a 40w laser at 100% speed and 75% power using a simple dither @250 DPI. It is important not to increase resolution higher as that actually doubles the cutting power of the laser.
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36 models uploaded
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