Roman Enforcers - Faith and Steel von Ann_3ddesign

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3D model of thatevilone. The models were repaired and checked for printability.

The legions of Roma as disciplined and stalwart, they will never break in the face...Zeig mehr of a normal foe. Sadly our eternal city is besieged by the most monstrous and foul the universe has to offer. So i the face of eldritch horrors it is understandable how a man may balk. That is when the enforcers of Rome step to the fore. They do not take cover, standing straight and unbroken at all time they inspire nearby Hastati to fight like the lions all men and women of Rome are!

Included in the download is a 'blank' specifically for remixed. you can toss any weapon you'd like in their clenched fist.
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29 models uploaded
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