Model Rocket designed for use with Estes C Engines. The total assembled piece measures 555mm, which is why the fuselage, nose cone, and engine housing are broken
...Zeig mehr into separate files/ pieces. To assemble the nose cone, try to center the circular piece (with the bar on the side facing the rocket engine- this is where you will attach a parachute) and place about six spots with super glue. Sand down the nose cone so that it will fit into the fuselage smoothly (or the parachute won't open). Attach a piece of string from the bar on the engine housing to the bar on the nose cone, with enough room that it will separate so the parachute deploys. Use tape to make sure the Estes C engine is secure in the engine housing, align the outer circles so it will slide smoothly on the launch rod (purchased separately from Estes). The fuselage should fit snug onto the engine housing so it doesn't separate when the parachute charge is ignited from the engine.