Antweight BattleBot: Drum Spinner Blackspin

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Größe: 3.7 x 1.46 x 3.84 zoll x 1
Größe: 2.5 x 0.72 x 1.73 zoll x 1
Introducing BlackSpin, from team Deadly Kiwi's

This is a 150g Antweight Drum Spinner BattleBot.
A few recent...Zeig mehr fights with V2.

Its designed to fit into a 100x100mm cube box as per New Zealand Antweight regulations.

Help a guy out and throw me a like to keep me motivated.
TIP me if you want this design to continue on with updates as I patch weaknesses found after my fights.

Design Notes:
- The Motor mount has a sunk channel for the motor cable to sit in safely away from the weapon and to pass through the firewall into the body cavity.
- I use black electrical tape to keep all components inside the body. I just wrap it around the entire body. This isn't elegant, but works well. Once I get the ESC weight down this will allow for a top plate to be added. I am thinking of a clear polycarb plate cover.
- The Drive motors are easily quick tie mounted to little blocks. There are holes in the design for the ties to pass through. These perfectly align the motor flush to the body, keeping the cogs safely protected. Note the ties will fit inside the motor plates, so make sure you turn the motors around so the side with least cogs points out, otherwise the tie could rum on the cogs!
- The weapon mount arms are susceptible to horizontal spinners. If you commonly face one (eg: Shrapnel) then put a 5mm wide, strip of .4mm thick aluminium strip down each side. Use double sided 3M anti vibration tape to mount this, adding further shock protection to the brittle PLA plastic. Both of these are common to most model shops. Beware of weight!
- I have not yet tried, but suggest looking at adding a flanged bearing to the weapon mount opposite the motor. I have tried with a coper sleeve which gets hot and I am worried will be a point of failure.

Wiring Build Guide:
I have written a full guide to wiring this bot up using my recommended N20+ESC combo and the 4CH Flysky receiver. The guide is available here.

UPDATES: Version 2
Drum V2 - [REDESIGN+ New File]After a big hit against another spinner, the drum sheared in two where the motor mount was. This is a weakness due to the nature of 3D printing. To fix this I redesigned the drum with two 1.5mm holes that go the entire way through the body. You can then press a 1.4mm piano wire through the body thus making the drum ridged. It also ads weight to the outer edge adding to the weapons effectiveness. Files and pics of the process added.

Flanged Bearing Drum Mount [New Component] Prior I used a sintered copper sleeve as the drum mount sleeve. It got too hot and melted the plastic in battle. I replaced this with a ID2mm Flanged bearing (details below). Thi
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